R o o m    f o r    L o n g i n g

Room for Longing was created for Juilliard’s Senior Production course and performance. This work was mentored by Risa Steinberg, and David Parker. Production was facilitated by Reed Neil, Keith Michael, Leslie Smith, and the technical crew of the 3rd year class. Costumes are an original design by Grier Coleman. Room for Longing premiered April 2019 in the Meredith Willson Theater at Juilliard. This show was produced in part by the class of 2019.

I was inspired by the texts of Anne Carson, and the sculptures of Fred Sandback. The dancers and I worked together to study the ways in which the architecture of the space can be manipulated in small yet momentous ways. Room for Longing is inspired by symbology of ropes in relation to fate, and the notion of the effects of the individual on a society.

“ And the mysterious thing, it is a very mysterious thing, is how the lines do paint themselves. Before there were any edges or angles or virtue- who was there to ask the questions?”

- Anne Carson 

Photos by Alice Chacon

Dancers Chase Buntrock, Jared Brown, Nicolas Noguera, Noah Wang, Alexander Sargent, Libby Faber, Taylor Massa, Matilda Mackey


Recorded music by Meredith Monk

14 minutes in length

Technical requirements include 4 carabiners, 3 ropes, 8 custom harnesses. 

Read about the process of Senior Production 2019 
